Hamid Ghanbari Biography

Hamid Ghanbari learned to play the Tombak guided by Mr. Bahman Rajabi. He later studied music at university and since then has been teaching percussions and rhythmic instruments.
He cherishes research and writing about music as much as he values writing notes and playing music.
He has worked with several prestigious music masters such as Mohammad-Reza Shajarian and Hossein Alizadeh. He has also performed in a number of international festivals.
Amongst his notable works are editing Master Amir-Naser Eftetah’s hand-written notes and publishing of his tutorial book called “Zarb-Ava”. Master Shajarian has  written a foreword for this book.
Hamid Ghanbari is a lecturer at the Fine Art Department at Tehran University and he is the head of the percussion band called “Kolun-e Zaman” (Knock the Time). The band’s first album is called ‘Dar Dam-e Rhythm”, which was nominated for the best non-vocal music album at the Fajr Music Festival in 1395 (2016).
This album was also acknowledged at the “Silk Road Festival” in China.
Kolun-e Zaman band performed at the first “Classical Iranian Music” Festival and received an award. Their second album is being produced.
Hamid Ghanbari presently is writing a book called “Tombak Tutorial” for the practical music studies in high school.
His most notable albums so far include the two albums played with “Shahnaz” band accompanied by Master Shajarian called “Rendan-e Mast” and “Morgh-e Khoshkhan”
“Ray ta Room” (with Alireza Ghorbani and Saeed Nayeb Mohammadi)
“Sarkhaneh” (A collection based on Old Classic Iranian Music)
Albums “Yar-e Mast” and “Dowran-e Asheghi” (with Salar Aghili with Soor band)
The two albums called “Saye Roshan-e Mahtab (with Bijan Kamkar and Ehsam Zabihifar)
“Mah Barayan” (with Afsaneh Rasaiy and Ali Samadpour)
“Abroo Kaman” (with Ehsan Zabihifar and Mohammad Mo’tamedi)